Is Daly retiring? Doesn't look like it

Long John Daly has been a topic of controversy and confusion for just about all of the past decade. From what it looks like, he may be kicking off a new one with a bit of mystery.

Two days ago, the Golf Channel reported that John Daly was officially calling it quits. After his second consecutive missed cut of the year (at the Farmers Insurance Classic), he told TGC: "I can't compete. I can't play like I use too. I can't keep taking spots from guys out here playing this bad. It's not worth it."

Pretty grim, eh? This isn't the first time we've heard this story. After he posted an 88 last season, he gave the public a similar statement.

Since then, things have been looking up for Long John, as his tweets on Twitter suggest.

For one, we know he will come back to the PGA Tour. He posted earlier today: "real good day of practice - hit tons of balls til my hands were sore! Putted & finished day when I got into 2 more PGA Tournaments - - Good Day!"
When fans asked where the two tournaments were, he replied that he couldn't tell us yet. However, he would be in the swing of things for the AT&T tournament at Pebble Beach.

If we learned anything from this latest drama, never trust a professional athlete when they make career decisions on Twitter.

At any rate, glad to hear that Daly is giving it another shot and sounds optimistic.

1 Response to "Is Daly retiring? Doesn't look like it"

  1. "If we learned anything from this latest drama, never trust a professional athlete when they make career decisions on Twitter."

    Totally agree. For me, it was an introduction to the Soap Opera that is John Daly's life, hence the show, I'm sure.

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