Bring on 2007 (After the TOUR Championship)

The Chrysler Championship brought the TOUR's grand finale as well as many bubble bursts. The biggest clutch performance of the week was Paul Goydos' second place finish, jumping from 160th on the money list all the way to 97th. The 125th(final card) position went to Irishmen Darren Clarke, who narrowly fell from 123rd to 125th. Paul Azinger finished strong with a four under 67 on Sunday to earn his TOUR card after playing 2006 on conditional status. Bursted players include Bubba Dickerson who was denied entrance into the Chrysler and fell from 125th to 127th. Duffy Waldorf made little progress moving from 130th to 129th, giving him conditional status for next season. Notable players no where near the cut include Brad Faxon, Bob Tway, Steve Elkington, and Mark Hensby. Players missing the top 30 cut for the Tour Championship at East Lake next week include Jose Maria Olazabal who fell from 26th to 31st. Mike Weir fell one spot from 32nd to 33rd with a weak Sunday finish. Tom Pernice Jr. fell from 28th to 30th to take the final position as Ernie Els and K.J. Choi both improved due to strong finishes. One player who almost made it to the Championship is TOUR rookie Troy Matteson who improved from 179th several weeks ago to 34th. Matteson notched back to bakc first and second place finishes at the Chrysler Classic and FUNAI Classic at the Walt Disney World Resort. Matteson was in contention at the Chrysler Championship after the second round but did not close. A win would have moved Matteson into the TOUR Champinship continuing his Cinderella like season.

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